Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Four Loves

We may give our human loves the same unconditional allegiance which we owe only to God. Then they become gods: then they become demons. Then they will destroy us, and also themselves. For natural loves that are allowed to become gods to not remain loves. They are still called so, but can become in fact complicated forms of hatred.
This reminds me very much of the woman in The Great Divorce, who chose to love her son above God and so corrupted this love. Actually there are a lot of characters in The Great Divorce who would choose hell over Heaven because of misplaced love.

Lewis defines three types of love: need-, gift-, and appreciative.
Need-love cries to God from our poverty; Gift-love longs to serve, or even to suffer for, God; Appreciative love says: "We give thanks to thee for thy great glory." Need-love says of a woman "I cannot live without her"; Gift-love longs to give her happiness, comfort, protection — if possible, wealth; Appreciative love gazes and holds its breath and is silent, rejoices that such a wonder should exist even if not for him, will not be wholly dejected by losing her, would rather have it so than never to have seen her at all.
He does not deny the risks of loving purely, but rather embraces them as part of God's plan for us.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Problem of Pain / A Grief Observed

Pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.
Everyone has noticed how hard it is to turn our thoughts to God when everything is going well with us. We "have all we want" is a terrible saying when "all" does not include God... As St. Augustine says somewhere "God wants to give us something, but cannot, because our hands are full - there's nowhere for Him to put it." ... Now God, who has made us, knows what we are and that our happiness lies in Him. Yet we will not seek it in Him as long as He leaves us any
other resort where it can even plausibly be looked for. While what we call "our own life" remains agreeable we will not surrender it to Him. What then can God do in our interests but make "our own life" less agreeable to us, and take away the plausible sources of false happiness?
Let me implore the reader to try to believe, if only for the moment, that God, who made these deserving people, may really be right when He thinks that their modest prosperity and the happiness of their children are not enough to make them blessed: that all this must fall from them in the end, and that if they have not learned to know Him they will be wretched. And therefore He troubles them, warning them in advance of an insufficiency that one day they will have to discover.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Last Battle

The Last Battle is one of my favourites of the Chronicles of Narnia... even though they're all pretty much my favourite books ever... I just really really love this one :)

Evil takes one true line about Aslan's character - "not a tame lion" - and twists it so as to give the completely wrong idea.

Tirian slaying the Calormen who were driving the Talking Horse reminds me of Moses killing the Egyptian in the book of Exodus.

The one dwarf who returns reminds me of the one leper who returns to give thanks to Christ.

"By mixing a little truth with it they had made their lie far stronger." Satan does this all the time.

"Tirian and his friends could only see the back of Rishda Tarkaan, so they never knew what his face looked like as he shrugged his shoulders and said, "Bear witness all that I am guiltless of this young fool's blood."" Just like Pilate.

Some of the animals join the Narnian side, and some the Calormenes, but most just slip away and don't choose either side. I wonder if this is how it will be for people at the last day.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Magician's Nephew

I think many people can get caught up in the attitude of Uncle Andrew...
But of course you must understand that rules of that sort, however excellent they may be for little boys - and servants - and women - and even people in general, can't possibly be expected to apply to profound students and great thinkers and sages. No, Digory. Men like me, who possess hidden wisdom, are freed from common rules just as we are cut off from common pleasures. Ours, my boy, is a high and lonely destiny."
As he said this he sighed and looked so grave and noble and mysterious that for a second Digory really thought he was saying something rather fine. But then he remembered the ugly look he had seen on his Uncle's face the moment before Polly had vanished: and all at once he saw through Uncle Andrew's grand words. "All it means," he said to himself, "Is that he thinks he can do anything he likes to get anything he wants."
Once again the idea of joy and beauty being like a memory...
The horse seemed to like it too; he gave the sort of whinney a horse would give if, after years of being a cab-horse, it found itself back in the old field where it had played as a foal, and saw someone whom it remembered and loved coming across the field to bring it a lump of sugar... The Cabby and the two children had open mouths and shining eyes; they were drinking in the sound, and they looked as if it reminded them of something.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader {II}

"And she never could remember; and ever since that day what Lucy means by a good story is a story which reminds her of the forgotten story in the Magician's Book."
This reminds me of what Lewis said in The Weight of Glory:
"The books or the music in which we thought the beauty was located will betray us if we trust to them; it was not in them, it only came through them, and what came through them was longing... For they are not the thing itself; they are only the scent of a flower we have not found, the echo of a tune we have not heard, news from a country we have never yet visited."

When Lucy saw Aslan,
"Her face lit up till, for a moment (but of course she didn't know it), she looked almost as beautiful as that other Lucy in the picture." 
I love how Lucy is most beautiful when she sees Aslan {Christ}

Aslan has to keep his own rules.

I wondered at the meaning of the Dufflepods. I think this line about them, spoken by the Magician, gives some insight:
"Sometimes, perhaps, I am a little impatient, waiting for the day when they can be governed by wisdom instead of this rough magic."
Aslan cannot show himself to them because it would frighten them. They are not yet ready for him.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader {I}

I love Reepicheep! And his feelings towards the East remind me of how Lewis felt about the North.

Eustace sees a storm while everyone else sees "as fair weather as a man could ask for."

"And what is this governor, this Gumpas, like? Does he still acknowledge the King of Narnia for his lord?"
"In words, yes. All is done in the King's name. But he would not be best pleased to find a real, live King of Narnia coming in upon him."
I see Governor Gumpas as a bishop or other leader of a Christian congregation who still does things in the name of Christ but has drifted very far away and doesn't want anything actually convicting taught. He would not be pleased to find the real, live Jesus Christ coming in to his congregation. The governor is also caught up in paperwork and agenda and so does not recognize the real King of Narnia when he is right in front of his face. This reminds me of the Pharisees of Jerusalem, who are so caught up in the Law and keeping the minutest details that when the Son of God - who gave them the Law - is right in front of their faces, they do not recognize Him.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

I think that reading the Chronicles of Narnia gives me the same feeling that northern mythology gave Lewis - sweet, painful joy.  I remember crying when I was little because it wasn't real and I couldn't go there. Just something about it always gets me and I feel that pang of remembering something that I've never experienced yet... "an unsatisfied desire which is itself more desirable than any other satisfaction." I think because I am religious and have a relationship with God that it's not more desirable than any other satisfaction... but I do love the pang of reading Narnia. It reminds me of something, like news from a country I have never yet visited. :)

The Turkish Delight - "Anyone who had once tasted it would want more and more of it, and would even, if they were allowed, go on eating till they killed themselves."

"Edmund was already feeling uncomfortable from having eaten too many sweets, and when he heard that the Lady he had made friends with was a dangerous witch he felt even more uncomfortable. But he still wanted to taste that Turkish Delight again more than he wanted anything else."

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Perelandra {III}

"And now the experiences of the past day and night began to make a direct assault upon his faith... It was all very well to talk of Maledil: but where was Maledil now?... Knowledge remained an abstraction. Mere bigness and loneliness overbore him."
Remember Lewis' definition of faith: "The art of holding on to things your reason has once accepted, in spite of your changing moods." Bad days happen. Sometimes several bad days happen in a row. It's easy to forget what we once knew when all we feel is loneliness or depression.
"Say a child's prayer if you can't say a man's."
 "There was, no doubt, a confusion of persons in damnation... they were melted down into their Master, as a lead soldier slips down and loses his shape in the ladle held over the gas ring." 
This is a horrible (and probably accurate) conception of Hell... elsewhere in Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters Lewis has expressed his opinion that, "Sameness is to be found most among the most "natural" men, not among those who surrender to Christ. How monotonously alike all the great tyrants and conquerors have been," and that the goal of the devils is to devour and consume humanity. Real personality, real individuality can only be found in Christ.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Perelandra {II}

"Were all the things which appeared as mythology on earth scattered throughout other worlds as realities?" 
This betrays Lewis' great love of myth, and the fact that myth led him to a belief in Christianity makes this sentence intriguing to me.

Thinking about when Ransom is drenched with "an ice-cold shower bath," that brings to his mind the phrase, "die of a rose in aromatic pain," I think it represents baptism.
"Such was the refreshment that he seemed to himself to have been, till now, but half-awake. When he opened his eyes... all the colours about him seemed richer and the dimness of that world seemed clarified... The golden beast at his side seemed no longer either a danger or a nuisance." 
It's cool to think of baptism in that way.

Ransom christens the trees, just as Adam was charged with naming all the creatures in the Garden of Eden.

Interesting thought:
"This itch to have things over again, as if life were a film that could be unrolled twice or even made to work backwards... was it possibly the root of all evil? No: of course the love of money was called that. But money itself - perhaps one valued it chiefly as a defence against chance, a security for being able to have things over again, a means of arresting the unrolling of the film."

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Perelandra {I}

In Perelandra, Ransom "described us as being in a state of siege, as being, in fact, an enemy-occupied territory, held down by eldils who were at war both with us and with the eldils of "Deep Heaven," or "space."" This is the exact same term that Lewis used in Mere Christianity when he said, ""Enemy-occupied territory—that is what this world is." :)

Of the fallen eldila - "Oh, they'll put all sorts of things into your head if you let them," said Ransom lightly. "The best plan is to take no notice and keep straight on. Don't try to answer them. They like drawing you into an interminable argument." This is both like and unlike the devils of The Screwtape Letters. Screwtape advised Wormwood that their best work was sometimes done keeping things out rather than putting things into the heads of mortals. However, I feel that there is still a similarity between the tempting eldila and the devils.

"If you mean, Does my reason accept the view that he will (accidents apart) deliver me safe on the surface of Perelandra? - the answer is Yes," said Ransom. "If you mean, Do my nerves and my imagination respond to this view? - I'm afraid the answer is No. One can believe is anesthetics and yet feel in a panic when they actually put the mask over your face. I think I feel as a man who believes in the future life feels when he is taken out to face a firing party. Perhaps it's good practice." This is very much like what Lewis said in Mere Christianity - "Faith... is the art of holding on to things your reason has once accepted, in spite of your changing moods."

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Essays and Letters

From Letters to Arthur Greeves: 
"All the 'homeliness' (wh. was your chief lesson to me) was the introduction to the Christian virtue of charity or love. I sometimes manage now to get into a state in wh. I think of all my enemies and can honestly say that I find something lovable (even if it is only an oddity) in them all: and your conception of 'homeliness' is largely the route by wh. I have reached this. On the other hand, all the 'strangeness' (wh. was my lesson to you) turned out to be only the first stop in far deeper mysteries."
I like the idea of friends giving each other lessons that help them become better; helping each where they are weak and the other strong and receiving help in return. :)

In another letter to his friend Arthur, he writes about his conversion to Christianity.
"Now what Dyson and Tolkien showed me was this: that if I met the idea of sacrifice in a Pagan story I didn't mind it at all: again, that if I met the idea of a god sacrificing himself to himself (cf. the quotation opposite the title page of Dymer) I liked it very much and was mysteriously moved by it: again, that the idea of the dying and reviving god (Balder, Adonis, Bacchus) similarly moved me provided I met it anywhere except in the Gospels. The reason was that in Pagan stories I was prepared to feel the myth as profound and suggestive of meanings beyond my grasp even tho' I could not say in cold prose 'what it meant'.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Surprised by Joy {II}

"This was a religion that cost nothing. We could talk religiously about the Absolute: but there was no danger of Its doing anything about us. It was "there"; safely and immovable "there." It would never come "here," never (to be blunt) make a nuisance of Itself. This quasi-religion was all a one-way street; all eros (as Dr. Nygren would say) steaming up, but no agape darting down. There was nothing to fear; better still, nothing to obey."

I like how Lewis describes God as "hunting," or actively pursuing him. I definitely agree that God's love is powerful and active, and that He does pursue us. His love is relentless.

"Total surrender, the absolute leap in the dark, were demanded. The reality with which no treaty can be made was upon me. The demand was not even "All or nothing." I think that stage had been passed, on the bus top when I unbuckled my armour and the snowman started to melt. Now, the demand was simply "All.""

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Surprised by Joy {I}

"An unsatisfied desire which is itself more desirable than any other satisfaction." This is what Lewis calls "Joy." Like Happiness or Pleasure, anyone who has experienced it will want it again. Considered only in its quality, it might almost equally well be called a particular kind of unhappiness or grief. But then it is a kind we cant. Joy is never in our power and pleasure often is. "Joy is distinct not only from pleasure in general but even from aesthetic pleasure. It must have the stab, the pang, the inconsolable longing."

Lewis says in his childhood, as he prayed for his mother to live, he approached God , or his idea of God, "without love, without awe, even without fear. He was, in my mental picture of this miracle, to appear neither Savior nor Judge, but merely as magician, "and when He had done what was required of Him I supposed He would simply - well, go away." I think this is the attitude Howard W. Hunter was talking about when he said,
"If prayer is only a spasmodic cry at the time of crisis, then it is utterly selfish, and we come to think of God as a repairman or a service agency to help us only in our emergencies." 
Of his father - "It is strange that having known me all my life he should have known me so little."

On prayer - "My nightly task was to produce by sheer will power a phenomenon which will power could never produce, which was so ill-defined that I could never say with absolute confidence whether it had occurred, and which, even when it did occur, was of very mediocre spiritual value." I'm pretty sure I've prayed like this before; trying to use all my imagination to conjure a picture of God to pray to.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Miracles {II}

Again, I would like to start by giving part of a definition of miracles that comes from my church:
"Christianity is founded on the greatest of all miracles, the resurrection of our Lord. If that be admitted, other miracles cease to be improbable."
C.S. Lewis starts chapter XIV by promoting a different miracle as the greatest of all:
"The central miracle asserted by Christians is the Incarnation. They say that God became Man. Every other miracle prepares for this, or exhibits this, or results from this." 
However, I think that the two are similar enough that Lewis' discussion will still hold some jewels of merit for us. Lewis maintains that miracles are not "arbitrary interferences" or "disconnected raids", but
"the various steps of a strategically coherent invastion - an invasion which intends complete conquest and "occupation." The fitness, and therefore credibility, of the particular miracles depends on their relation to the Grand Miracle; all discussion of them in isolation from it is futile."
In other words, all miracles are in some way connected to the condescension of God. Lewis would I think definitely agree with the last sentence of the LDS definition given above: "If that [the resurrection] be admitted, other miracles cease to be improbable."

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Miracles {I}

I would first like to include a definition of miracles given by my own church:

Miracles: An important element in the work of Jesus Christ, being not only divine acts, but forming also a part of the divine teaching. Christianity is founded on the greatest of all miracles, the resurrection of our Lord. If that be admitted, other miracles cease to be improbable. Miracles should not be regarded as deviations from the ordinary course of nature so much as manifestations of divine or spiritual power. Some lower law was in each case superseded by the action of a higher. They were intended to be a proof to the Jews that Jesus was the Christ... Many of them were also parabolic and instructive, teaching by means of symbols such divine truths as the result of sin and the cure of sin; the value of faith; the curse of impurity; and the law of love. The miracles of healing also show how the law of love is to deal with the actual facts of life. Miracles were and are a response to faith, and its best encouragement. They were never wrought without prayer, felt need, and faith. It is important to notice the different names by which miracles are described. They are called signs, as being visible tokens of an invisible power; they are powers or mighty works, because they are the acts of One who is almighty; they are simply works, or the natural results of the Messiah’s presence among men; they are wonders, marvels, because of the effect produced on those who saw them... Miracles are a part of the gospel of Jesus Christ. If miracles cease it is because faith has ceased. See Mark 6:5–6;Morm. 9:10–20Ether 12:12. {emphasis added}

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Weight of Glory

"If you asked twenty good men to-day what they thought the highest of the virtues, nineteen of them would reply, Unselfishness. But if you asked almost any of the great Christians of old he would have replied, Love. You see what has happened? A negative term has been substituted for a positive, and this is of more than philological importance. The negative ideal of Unselfishness carries with it the suggestion not primarily of securing good things for others, but of going without them ourselves, as if our abstinence and not their happiness was the important point." / Interesting!

"If we consider the unblushing promises of reward and the staggering nature of the rewards promised in the Gospels, it would seem that Our Lord finds our desires, not too strong, but too weak... We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea." [emphasis added]  / Also interesting :)

"Poetry replaces grammar, gospel replaces law, longing transforms obedience, as gradually as the tide lifts a grounded ship." 
I think this is such a masterful simile, because not only does it accomplish the purpose of showing what it is like, it also gives us the imagery of being lifted, and gently compares us to a grounded ship that must be lifted if it is to go anywhere.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mere Christianity [book IV ch 8-11]

Main points: Christ will make us perfect... whether we like it or not. We must become New Men through Him.

Is Christianity Hard or Easy?

"The Christian way is different: harder, and easier. Christ says "Give me All. I don't want so much of your time and so much of your money and so much of your work: I want You. I have not come to torment your natural self, but to kill it. No half-measures are any good. I don't want to cut off a branch here and a branch there, I want to have the whole tree down. I don't want to drill the tooth, or crown it, or stop it, but to have it out. Hand over the whole natural self, all the desires which you think innocent as well as the ones you think wicked—the whole outfit. I will give you a new self instead. In fact, I will give you Myself: my own will shall become yours."

This reminds me of a story told in General Conference last April
Hugh B. Brown told of purchasing a rundown farm in Canada many years ago. As he went about cleaning up and repairing his property, he came across a currant bush that had grown over six feet (1.8 m) high and was yielding no berries, so he pruned it back drastically, leaving only small stumps. Then he saw a drop like a tear on the top of each of these little stumps, as if the currant bush were crying, and thought he heard it say: “How could you do this to me? I was making such wonderful growth. … And now you have cut me down. Every plant in the garden will look down on me. … How could you do this to me? I thought you were the gardener here.” President Brown replied, “Look, little currant bush, I am the gardener here, and I know what I want you to be. I didn’t intend you to be a fruit tree or a shade tree. I want you to be a currant bush, and someday, little currant bush, when you are laden with fruit, you are going to say, ‘Thank you, Mr. Gardener, for loving me enough to cut me down.’”
I think this is the message that Lewis is sharing with us - that God knows us better, and has bigger plans for us, and that it is going to hurt as he turns us into greater things than we ever could have imagined becoming. Of course, this process isn't easy.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mere Christianity [book III, ch. 8 - book IV, ch. 7]

Main points: Lewis discusses pride, charity, hope as desire for a better country, faith as holding on despite changing moods, and faith as it works with good acts to bring about salvation once we have accepted that we can do nothing. He discusses the nature of God, and how His aim is to make us into new creatures. 

The Great Sin

The seminal work in LDS culture on the topic of pride is Ezra Taft Benson's talk, Beware of Pride. I went through this talk and looked for similarities to my favourite quotes by Lewis on the same subject. 

Lewis: "Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind."
Benson: "Our will in competition to God’s will allows desires, appetites, and passions to go unbridled... Our enmity toward God takes on many labels, such as rebellion, hard-heartedness, stiff-neckedness, unrepentant, puffed up, easily offended, and sign seekers."

Lewis: "Pride is competitive by its very nature: that is why it goes on and on."
Benson: "Pride is essentially competitive in nature. We pit our will against God’s. When we direct our pride toward God, it is in the spirit of “my will and not thine be done.”"

Lewis: "Pride always means enmity—it is enmity. And not only enmity between man and man, but enmity to God."
Benson: "The central feature of pride is enmity—enmity toward God and enmity toward our fellowmen. Enmity means “hatred toward, hostility to, or a state of opposition.” It is the power by which Satan wishes to reign over us."

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mere Christianity [book III, ch1-7]

Main points: Lewis discusses morality and how it is the condition of the inward man that matters most. Among other virtues, he touches on marriage and Christ-like forgiveness. 

Lewis starts his next section talking about morality and virtuous living. In the first chapter, he establishes the long-term importance of morality:
Christianity asserts that every individual human being is going to live for ever... Now there are a good many things which would not be worth bothering about if I were going to live only seventy years, but which I had better bother about very seriously if I am going to live for ever. Perhaps my bad temper or my jealousy are gradually getting worse —so gradually that the increase in seventy years will not be very noticeable. But it might be absolute hell in a million years: in fact, if Christianity is true, Hell is the precisely correct technical term for what it would be. 
Living with an Eternal Perspective means that the little things I do... that might not be so good... that I think don't matter so much..... actually matter a lot

Lewis then moves into a discussion of virtues - but more important than the specific actions are what they make of us. He writes, 
"There is a difference between doing some particular just or temperate action and being a just or temperate man... A man who perseveres in doing just actions gets in the end a certain quality of character. Now it is that quality rather than the particular actions which we mean when we talk of "virtue."" 
This reminded me of Elder Lynn G. Robbin's talk, What Manner of Men and Women Ought Ye to Be? 

Speaking of perseverance, Lewis also writes, "You will notice, of course, that you cannot practise any of the other virtures very long without bringing [fortitude] into play." In The Screwtape Letters, Lewis expressed the same idea when he wrote, "Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point, which means, at the point of highest reality. A chastity or honesty or mercy which yields to danger will be chaste or honest or merciful only on conditions."

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mere Christianity [books I&II]

Main points: Lewis sets up his argument for Christianity, discusses free will, "good dreams", the trilemma, repentance, and the end of the world.

Mere Christianity is a book I first read all the way through a year ago. It's a fascinating work that builds a logical case for Christianity and teaches us a lot about Christian beliefs. I've been inspired by it, and taken many favourite life quotes from it.

Book I - Right and Wrong as a Clue to the Meaning of the Universe - is mostly spent building a philosophical case for Christianity, starting with the very basics - there exists some sort of moral law that all humans are aware of. Lewis progresses logically from there and discusses the nature of this Mind behind the moral law. This part is very interesting, but not particularly inspiring to me because I already have a very firm belief in God. This just serves to back up what I already know. 

Once Lewis has set up the idea that there is a Power or Mind behind the moral law we all know, he establishes a God that loves goodness {as evidence by the moral law He has created} and cannot abide badness. This creates a dilemma - one that is necessary for us to accept before we can accept Christianity. We have to see ourselves in the predicament that we are actually in - opposed to Absolute Goodness. Lewis writes,
"It is after you have realised that there is a real Moral Law, and a Power behind the law, and that you have broken that law and put yourself wrong with that Power—it is after all this, and not a moment sooner, that Christianity begins to talk. When you know you are sick, you will listen, to. the doctor. When you have realised that our position is nearly desperate you will begin to understand what the Christians are talking about." 
This reminds me of the quote by Ezra Taft Benson - "Just as a man does not really desire food until he is hungry, so he does not desire the salvation of Christ until he knows why he needs Christ." Lewis expertly sets up our dilemma and gets us to see how much we really need Christ.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Love Wins // The Great Divorce

It occurred to me yesterday to compare Lewis' beliefs espoused in The Great Divorce to the more recent work by Rob Bell - Love WinsUnfortunately I've never read Love Wins, and though I would very much like to I don't foresee myself having the time {or money...} anytime soon. Still, I've heard quite a bit about it and read various articles online and I think the comparison still holds.

According to a USA Today article, Bell makes the following claims: 
  • Heaven and hell are choices we make and live with right now. "God gives us what we want," including the freedom to live apart from God (hell) or turn God's way (heaven).
  • Death doesn't cut off the ability to repent. In his Bible, Bell sees no "infinite, eternal torment for things (people) did in their few finite years of life."
  • Jesus makes salvation possible even for people who never know his name. "We have to allow for mystery," for people who "drink from the rock" of faith "without knowing who or what it was.
One of my favourite parts of The Last Battle is when Aslan says, 
"Therefore, if any man swear by Tash and keep his oath for the oath’s sake, it is by me that he has truly sworn, though he know it not, and it is I who reward him…Beloved, said the Glorious One, unless thy desire had been for me thou wouldst not have sought so long and so truly. For all find what they truly seek.” 
I think this goes along with what Bell says - that Jesus makes salvation possible even for people who never know his name. "We have to allow for mystery," for people who "drink from the rock" of faith "without knowing who or what it was."

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Great Divorce

In 1946, Lewis wrote The Great Divorce in response to Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1790). 
Curious, I looked up The Marriage to see what it was about. I was interested to learn that The Marriage was itself written in response to an earlier book, Heaven and Hell by Emanuel Swedenborg (1758). 
In each work, the author writes as though he has visited the afterlife and is writing to inform the rest of humanity about what he has seen. I briefly skimmed each to prepare to re-read The Great Divorce. To give a very, very brief summary:
Swedenborg believes that there are "heathens" in Heaven, and that God does not thrust anyone down to Hell but that people cast themselves down. {This seems to go along with Lewis' work.}

Blake calls Swedenborg's writings a "recaptiulation of all superficial opinions" and claims to have conversed with both angels and devils in a depolarized, unified afterlife.
Lewis refutes Blake's assertion that good and evil can eventually be reconciled. {This jives with Latter-day Saint belief, which states that "No unclean thing can dwell with God."}
This quotation by the George MacDonald {a poet greatly admired by C.S. Lewis} is on the title page of The Great Divorce:

'No, there is no escape.
There is no heaven with a little of hell in it--
no plan to retain this or that of the devil in our hearts or our 
pockets. Out Satan must go, every hair and feather.' 

It is on this belief that Lewis bases his work. 

I love Lewis' style of writing. The way he describes the Tousle-Headed Poet is just so perfectly ironic: 
"To make matters worse he had been exactly the sort of boy in whose case the examination system works out with the maximum unfairness and absurdity" etc.
He always writes from "our" perspective - we imperfect humans - with the sort of reason we would use to defend ourselves. But in seeing it down on paper, we realize how ridiculous is actually is.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Screwtape Letters

The Screwtape Letters is one of my all-time favourite books. Lewis' mastery of irony works to great effect in persuading the reader to take a second look at themselves. At times stinging, frequently profound, this is a book unmatched by others and in a category all it's own. Advice from one devil to another? Pure genius.

Some favourite quotes:

"They constantly forget... that they are animals and that whatever their bodies do affects their souls."
"Keep them watching their own minds and trying to produce feelings there by the action of their own wills. When they mean to ask Him for charity, let them, instead, start trying to manufacture charitable feelings for themselves and not to notice that this is what they are doing. When they meant to pray for courage, let them really be trying to feel brave. When they say they are praying for forgiveness, let them be trying to feel forgiven."
{IV always make me reconsider my prayer habits...}

"Do what you will, there is going to be some benevolence, as well as some malice, in your patient's soul. The great thing is to direct the malice to his immediate neighbours whom he meets every day and to thrust his benevolence out to the remote circumference, to people he does not know. The malice thus becomes wholly real and the benevolence largely imaginary."

"It is during such trough periods, much more than during the peak periods, that it is growing into the sort of creature He wants it to be... He wants them to learn to walk and must therefore take away His hand; and if only the will to walk is really there He is pleased even with their stumbles. Do not be deceived, Wormwood. Our cause is never more in danger than when a human, no longer desiring, but still intending, to do our Enemy's will, looks round upon a universe from which every trace of Him seems to have vanished, and asks why he has been forsaken, and still obeys."